Rendszeres olvasók

Segíts az emberiségen?

2010. június 15., kedd

Csesszégmeg,de nagyon ottvan (NEM szól senkinek se!!!! )

Forgiveness, forgiveness;
everything is all over...
Forgiveness; everything is all over...

Oh, life:
if there was ever any doubt in my mind, it's now.
And for the first time
I think maybe we weren't meant to be.
I didn't think the answer could be answered
by anyone o'er than me...
think about it, dwell upon it;
try to find some clarity.

Didn't I give you enough?
What was wrong with me?
Dig it up... try to find
all that you can't see.

I want to love you; dunno if I can.
I want to give you one more chance.
Forgiveness: it comes so slow...
all is so uncertain, everything is unknown.
I want to love you; dunno know if I can.
I want to give you one more chance.
Forgiveness: it comes so slow...
all is so uncertain, everything is unknown.

Forgiveness, forgiveness;
everything is all over...
Forgiveness; everything is all over...

Oh, life:
if there was ever any doubt in my mind, it's now.
And for the first time
I think maybe we weren't meant to be.
I didn't think the answer could be answered
by anyone o'er than me...
think about it, dwell upon it;
try to find some clarity.

Didn't I give you enough?
What was wrong with me?
Dig it up... try to find
all that you can't see.

I want to love you; dunno if I can.
I want to give you one more chance.
Forgiveness: it comes so slow...
all is so uncertain, everything is unknown.
I want to love you; dunno know if I can.
I want to give you one more chance.
Forgiveness: it comes so slow...
all is so uncertain, everything is unknown.


My 'Angry Mode': it comes and it goes...
though it is a mystery
why I act so out of control
as to let my emotions get the best of me.
I can't help it; can't deny it.
There is anger; won't try to hide it.
Got to burn it; set it on fire.
Ashes blowin' in the sky and I wonder why...

Didn't I give you enough?
What was wrong with me?
Dig it up... try to find
all that you can't see.

I want to love you; dunno if I can.
I want to give you one more chance.
Forgiveness: it comes so slow...
all is so uncertain, everything is unknown.
I want to love you; dunno know if I can.
I want to give you one more chance.
Forgiveness: it comes so slow...
all is so uncertain, everything is unknown.


Nincsenek megjegyzések:

1 gondolat

Végül is csak robot vagyok, semmi több. Nem vagyok ember, még ha néha annak érzem is magamat. Legalábbis azt hittem, hogy az érzéseim olykor hasonlítanak az emberi érzelmekre.

De ez nem lehet igaz. Engem emberek alkottak emberek szolgálatára, és az emberek fognak megsemmisíteni, ha úgy akarják. Nem rendelkezem az ő elidegeníthetetlen jogaikkal.

(Rex –a Robot)